Prinsessan Madeleine berättar nu med egna ord i ett inlägg på Instagram om sitt nystartade företag. Prinsessan ska lansera en egen skönhetsserie, som lär bli en succé. För vem vill inte bli lika snygg som prinsessan Madeleine?. Här berättar prinsessan mer om kommande produktlansering;
I’m excited to share that I’m launching “MinLen” a natural skincare line, developed in collaboration with Weleda, a global leader in certified natural skincare. MinLen is the first natural, responsible, multi-generational skincare brand in Europe — created with the needs of both young and growing families in mind.
Our product range will officially launch at the end of the summer and as this is a private initiative, I will use my name Madeleine Bernadotte in my work with MinLen. I look forward to sharing more with you very soon!
Foto: Prinsessan Madeleines instagram och SPA